Wildcard Certificates in Caddy Server

Caddy Server is a simple and versatile web server with automatic SSL certificate generation using Let’s Encrypt (or ZeroSSL). By default it will generate a new certificate for each subdomain, but sometimes you just want to use a wildcard.
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Using LibreSwan with Azure VPN Gateway

Connecting a local network to Azure is a lot more complex than it should be without a hardware VPN. This guide should hopefully help ease some of that complexity.
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Multi-architecture Containers with BuildKit

Easily build Docker containers for system architectures other than that of the system executing the build.
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Change SQL Server Collation

For when you stand up a SQL Server and realize the database collation is wrong.
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DRU (DIVA Resource for Users)

DIVArchive is great at what it does, but sometimes you need to fill a gap in the product and the workflow. Thankfully there are APIs we can use for that.
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As a self proclaimed small-time coder I’ve always been scared to contribute to open-source projects, but I decided to change that.
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From Zero to AWS Certified

When everything is moving the cloud you should probably learn it because the cloud can solve all the problems (right?)
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Migrating to Hugo and S3

When hosting costs have got you down, the only logical thing to do is migrate your entire website. This is my journey from a shared webhost to a static S3 website.
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Filmmaking and Open Source

I have a crazy idea. I’m not sure if it will work, but I’m going to try and see if I can’t make it a reality. I want to make an open-source film, in a fashion I don’t think has been attempted.
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Windows 10 and the Future

Windows 10 has been out for a little over 4 months now. I’ve had it installed on a vitual machine since then. I like to see what’s coming, and get a grasp on it. In the past, with Windows 7, 8, and the 8.1, and the 10 (up to now) betas that is all I’ve every done. Then my desktop started giving me problems.
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